Alfa Trading Company is committed to providing a recycling service that meets our requirements in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimizes our potential impact on the environment.
Comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, customer requirements and codes to which it subscribes.
Ensure the environmental management system contains a commitment to contamination improvement based on current ecological thinking, technological options, within its financial remit.
Commit itself to elimination or reduction of pollution by emission to air, discharges to water, noise levels and contamination of land.
Provide a framework for the setting and reviewing of its objectives and targets, through regular meetings of its working group, internal audits and management reviews, and monitoring emerging issues and keep abreast or regulatory changes.
Ensure the environmental policy is contained within the environmental Manual, and implemented as a core of the environmental system that is communicated to all employees. This policy is also made available to the public and can be found in reception and Alfa Trading Company Website
Work in partnership with customers and suppliers to reduce negative environmental impact and promote positive environmental principles.
Be committed towards the conversation of natural resources via the minimum consumption of energy, minimization of waste and encouraging the use of renewable resources.
Be accountable for all hazardous e-Waste throughout the recycling chain to final disposition.
Prohibit the export of Hazardous Electronic Waste throughout the Recycling Chain.
Prohibit the use of child and prison labour for the processing of hazardous e-Waste throughout the recycling chain.
Make customers aware of data security issues and address their data security and privacy requirements through the secure destruction of data contained in e-Waste throughout the recycling chain.
Annually review Alfa Trading Company performance in implementing this environmental policy.
Established metrics to monitor our environmental performances and use these to set goals for continuous improvement.